Philodendron Micans in Galvanized Steel Pot
Philodendron Micans in Hanging Pot
Neon Pothos Plant in Hanging Pot
Green English Ivy in Hanging Pot
Geogenanthus Ciliatus, Geo Plant
Philodendron 'Moonlight' in Galvanized Steel Pot
Philodendron 'Moonlight'
Red Fittonia, Nerve Plant
Philodendron erubescens 'Prince of Orange'
Money Tree Stump in Galvanized Steel Pot
Pachira Aquatica, Money Tree Stump
Monstera 'Peru'
Monstera 'Peru' in Eco Pot
Cissus Rhombifolia, Grape Ivy
Silver Band Maranta - Prayer Plant
Cissus Discolor, Rex Begonia Vine in Hanging Pot
Ficus Elastica Shivereana 'Moonshine'
Philodendron Ring of Fire
Nephrolepis Cordifolia, Lemon Button Fern, 4-inch Diameter
Bird's Nest Fern in Blush-Pink Pot
Lemon Button Fern in Blush-Pink Pot
Nephrolepis Exaltata, Rita's Gold Boston Fern
Rita's Gold Boston Fern in Galvanized Steel Pot
Ficus Lyrata, Fiddle Leaf Fig in Large Rustic Planter