These Low Maintenance Plants are perfect for a new plant parent! These plants are easy to care for, hard to kill, and can even thrive in low light! Plants included are: Butterfly Plant, Snake Zeylancia, and Green Prayer Plant.
Shipped straight from our greenhouse to your door. All you have to do is open the box, pull the plant out and enjoy it in your home. Please note the images are a representation of the plants available, not the exact plant you will receive. All plants are unique; we will handpick and carefully package the best of our selection for each order!
Low Maintenance Plant Bundle
Out of Stock
Dimensions 4" Diameter x 5-7" Tall Difficulty Easy Pet Friendly No - Toxic to Pets (Snake & Butterfly)
Yes - Non Toxic to Pets (Prayer Plant)
Lighting Medium to Low Light Watering Medium to Low - When 50-75% Dry